Register your Event


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Updated: 13 February 2014

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Registering your event using the online event system is simple to use and allows you to create events and submit them for approval using your dashboard.

A registration fee is payable for all events. The registration fee amount is taken from your payment card on final approval of the event. 

How to register

1. Log in using your Username (your membership number*) and Password on our homepage

2. Click on ‘my dashboard’

3. Click on the ‘Event Organiser’ tab on the left hand side

4. Click on 'Create new event'

5. Create supplier account using the pop up box

6. Enter event details, pay HQ registration fee and submit your event for approval

7. Once approved you will be notified by a member of our events team

If you are a new organiser please contact the contact the events team for more information on 0141 554 6021 or

If you are having trouble creating your event online please contact the events team on 0141 554 6021 or

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