Understanding Training





Setting process goals to support your training as a cyclist

Process goals are all about breaking down the big picture to isolate areas for marginal gain. They relate to areas you need to develop (though these may be things you might be tempted to avoid), plus setting your own tailored achievements to incrementally improve.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 25/04/2024

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Try a race on Zwift

If you’re looking for extra motivation for your indoor training, entering a race on Zwift could be just the boost you’re looking for. Many top riders use it to supplement their training and a lot have claimed they go deeper virtual racing than they do on the road. There are races for all levels of riders and, without having to leave your own home to pin a virtual number on, you won’t find a more accessible and convenient form of cycle sport.

Published on: 15/01/2021

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Try a Zwift Meetup

The Zwift Meetup feature is the perfect tool for organising virtual rides and races with your mates.

Published on: 15/01/2021

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Zwift on a budget

If you’ve been inspired by the UCI Cycling Esports World Championships to give virtual cycling and maybe racing a try but don’t want to commit to the expense of a full smart set-up, you can get a feel for Zwift with the most basic kit.

Published on: 11/12/2020

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Can I do my winter cycling training indoors?

With improved indoor trainers, virtual reality worlds such as Zwift to ride and race in and the proven benefits of hitting the weights over the winter, is there a valid argument for doing the bulk of your winter training indoors? We examine the pros and cons of an indoor only approach.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 14/11/2020

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Winter Cycling Myth-Buster 2020

Whether it’s from chatting to club mates, reading magazines or spending time on internet forums, myths and misunderstandings about cycling training abound. In this article we debunk five classic winter cycling training myths.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 30/10/2020

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Why follow a digital structured training plan?

All of the 2020/21 British Cycling Digital Training Plans are now fully built and hosted on TrainingPeaks. What are the advantages though of following a structured training plan, especially a digital one?

Published on: 30/10/2020

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What is the British Cycling 2020/21 12-week Real Life Winter Training Plan?

With so much misunderstanding, misinformation and confusion about what winter training should comprise of, we profile our 12-week “Real Life” Winter Training Plan and explain why you should consider following it.

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Published on: 02/10/2020

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