Regional Support Webinars

Regional Support Webinars

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Our series of CPD webinars provides volunteers, clubs, and organisers across our regions with a journey through various topics to support club growth and community engagement.

Starting on January 8th with "Limitless: What, why and how can the programme benefit your club," delves into our ground-breaking disability and para-programme that aims to create an inclusive club environment, attracting members from all corners of the cycling community.

Following this, each month will bring a unique focus, from entry-level racing and youth development to talent cultivation, event organisation, and volunteer recognition. Join us on this journey, where experienced guests will share insights, success stories, and best practices to elevate your impact in the cycling community.

The following webinars will be taking place throughout 2024:

April 8th | Talent: Developing a talent environment in your weekly club sessions
Come and hear more about how we can help you and your club develop riders through discipline specific coaching and racing environments. Hear how multi-discipline coaching can help to develop your riders and get advice about when to start introducing talent related activities within your sessions, taking learnings from clubs who have helped to develop some of our top riders and how they have gone about this.

May 13th | Children & Young People Summer Campaign
Come and find out more about our summer campaign aimed at helping clubs engage with their members and local community during the summer Olympic period. Hear from clubs and coaches who have run successful localised campaigns and share best practise with colleagues from around the country.  

June 10th | Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment
Do you remember what it was like to join your first club? How does your club approach new members and what process do you follow to grow your club membership? Come and hear from experienced club volunteers and our club team as they share best practise and real-life examples of how to engage new members and be more welcoming and inclusive.

July 8th | Event Organiser Support: demystifying the approach to setting up new events
Have you or your club ever thought of organising a local race event or competition? Come hear some tips and advice from some of our long-standing organisers and club volunteers who make the event calendar what it is. At the end of this session, you will understand the nuances of being an event organiser and how to take your first steps in running a successful and engaging event.

September 9th | Volunteer recognition & retention (e.g., linked to everyone wins campaign)
We all know how important volunteers are in the success of our clubs and events. Retention, training, and recognition are important points on the journey of a volunteer. Come and share best practise and hear from some of our long-standing clubs on how they have worked with, trained and recognised members through the years.

October 14th | Keeping your members over the cold winter months!
Spend some time listening to seasoned coaches, clubs, and volunteers as they share their stories, tips, and guidance for keeping your members young and old engaged over the winter months. If you have some great ideas or stories that you would like to share, then come along and help others in the cycling community.

November 11th | Club Matters: Safeguarding, governance, finances, succession planning & re-affiliation
Running a club can appear to be a daunting process. Come and hear from club founders and experts in the field of running and growing successful clubs. Come and ask your questions and let us help demystify the process and help you get on your way running the club you always dreamed of joining!

Book your spot on any of these webinars by clicking the button below:

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